
Repair registry windows 8.1
Repair registry windows 8.1

To do this, restart your computer and hit F8 to bring up Windows' boot menu. There's a chance that you can fix your computer by using System Restore. Reset your computer and attempt to log in again and you might be able to successfully get in this time. Windows can occasionally run into problems reading your user profile if you happen to have an antivirus scan running at the time. This might sound obvious, but try restarting the system as the first port of call. How to fix a Windows corrupt user profile: Before you begin 1.

repair registry windows 8.1

USB disk caddies can be a lifesaver in this situation, letting you plug your hard disk with the damaged user profile in it, into another computer via USB. If you haven’t got into the habit yet, and you can’t get into your computer, it might be an idea to remove the hard disk and save the files to another laptop or PC. When repairing any computer there’s always a chance that you could cause further problems, so make sure you carry out regular backups.

repair registry windows 8.1

READ NEXT: The best Windows antivirus softwareīefore you progress, though, it’s worth taking precautions. The error is fairly easy to fix, and we’ll show you exactly how to do it in this article. It’s signified by the rather worrying message: "The User Profile Service failed the logon,” and this can occur across all the versions of Windows, from Windows 10 through to 8, 7 and even as far back as Vista. There are many annoying things that can happen to your Windows installation, but one of the most irritating faults is a corrupt user profile.Īlthough all of your precious data like images, video and documents remain safe on your hard disk or SSD, this particularly nasty problem prevents you from gaining access to it.

Repair registry windows 8.1